Saturday, December 5, 2009

Popeye In Paris! 2009 Paris Boat Show!

It's a tough job...but somebody has to do it! This year two of us travelled to the Paris Show so one of my salespeople could pick up their 2009 Beneteau Dedication Award (Congratulations, Tamas!) plus we get to see all the new models! Beneteau introduced three new models at the show including the new First 35, The Beneteau 50 and the gigantic new Beneteau 58! Each of these new models were spectacular and we're excited to get them all sailing in our hometown soon. The new First 35 is a Farr Design with a gorgeous teak/alpi interior that felt much larger than her size. Her carbon wheel was huge! The new Beneteau 50 featured a cockpit arch with it's newly styled deck but it was the new Beneteau 58 that stole the show. This boat had a swim/dinghy platform on the stern that was nicknamed "The Beach" complete with beach chairs! Spectacular!Hunter also had a surprising presence this year with their line up that included their new 2010 Hunter 39 as well. It was a great show! Overwhelming as usual but we made the best of it. A glass of Kir Royale (Champagne and Cassis) together with a terrific very french lunch allowed us to survive the long day at the show!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Sailing In Paris!

One of the companies I have the privilege of representing at work is an amazing French boat builder named Beneteau. During the first few days of December each year Beneteau USA takes it's award winners on a trip to the Paris Boat Show and then on down to the Atlantic coast to see all of the factories and learn about what's new. During my last Beneteau related trip to Paris (in the sunshine of June) I saw the sailboat dealership of my dreams in the park fountain very close to the Lourve Museum. This dealer moors all of his stock sailboat inventory on his cart each night and returns each morning to rent out his fleet to parents and kids from all over the world. I suppose he's technically more in the sailboat charter business than in sales. I can only wish i had his small inventory during this crazy economy! But...before I complain too much, I must tell you...I am once again sitting in my hotel room in St. Germain, very near the Notre Dame Cathedral and having just walked all around town in the light rain of December. It feels very much like Seattle weather but the lunch we just finished was out of this world. I LOVE Paris! We'll send you some photos from the boat show over the next few days. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy a little armchair sailing with these pictures from Paris. Click on them and they enlarge!